Book Blogger Hop 1/14

Book Blogger Hop


This Week’s Question: “Why do you read the genre that you do?  What draws you to it?”

– Seeing as I read several genres, I’ll break em down and give you the reasons:

YA/Juvenile fiction: I read these after heavy epic reads. They’re light, they’re fun and they’re fast. Not to mention, they’re very very good.

Mystery/Thriller: I love guessing who committed the crime! I love the mystery and the action. Especially when I’m blindsided with a killer I have never expected, those are the best!

Fantasy: Simple. To escape.

Sci-fi: To read into different worlds, and learn about different planets and different species that *could* be out there 🙂 not to mention I like to read about different new technologies, weapons, oh! and flying cars! you can’t forget about the flying cars!

Dystopia: There are days when I just have to sit and read bleak serious stuff. This sort of thing fascinates me.

Historical fiction: As a history lover, I love to read about the past. I love to picture how it was back then.

Horror/Paranormal: To get a scare. Also, because I play several World of Darkness games (role playing games) I find these perfect inspiration.

Action/Adventure: When I feel like reading about bombs exploding, cars crashing, being on a chase. Yeah, like The Bourne Identity. 🙂

That about covers it! I read a lot of genres (being eclectic) and there’s something I enjoy in each genre. How about you guys?

If visiting from the Hop hi! welcome! here have some brownies!!! and thanks for stopping by!

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