Wishful Wednesday

Today is Wishful Wednesday hosted by Should be Reading!

Wishlists grow don’t they? and then they explode. Mine seems to explode every other day. However! the good news? if you have read my previous Wishful Wednesday, I have managed to take one down from my massive list! I have managed to order a copy of Wideacre by Philippa Gregory through my local indie bookstore *cackles in excitement* So take that off from my wishlist hooray!

So now I’m going to pick out three that I added to my wishlist recently!

Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters – Jane Austen & Ben Winters
– OMG! I want this book!!! since I enjoyed Pride and Prejudice and Zombies I’m sure I’ll enjoy this one! it’s got sea monsters!!! you can’t go wrong with giant squids! I REALLY want this book!!!! *giggles with glee* it’s due in September!

Breathers – S G Browne
– Zombies for zombie rights! this book caught my eye and I feel like quirky funny book with a different look at the zombie subject. They’re not the bloodthirsty running amok kind in this one. Which was why it grabbed my attention.

Eclipse – Stephenie Meyer
– No I haven’t read the first two yet. I’m waiting for this bloody book to go on paperback. It’s bad enough I have a mismatching set that I have to have some paperbacks and hardcovers to go along with it too? no no no no! I can deal with the different cover schemes but not the paperback/hardcover mismatch. No can do. Makes the shelf look horrendous. So I’ll wait until I get this one and Breaking Dawn on paperback THEN I will read Twilight. Deal? deal.

What’s on your wishlist this week? 🙂