Review of The Season

The Season

The Season

I’m a bit behind in reviews, as you can see. I haven’t stopped reading, it’s just by the time I stop reading it’s already late at night and I got engrossed in the books I have been reading thus why you haven’t seen any reviews posted in a while. That and an active social life was the result in having no reviews for a week or so. Apologies!

The Season features Alexandra (also known as Alex) with her two beloved friends who are to debut in their respective society. Alex isn’t looking forward to it, and would rather do her own thing instead of going to parties and balls in search of that perfect husband. They encounter a suspecious meeting between two men and what seems like a mystery surrounding Alex’ good friend Gavin, and his father – which seems like it is related between the two suspecious men. What follows is a story filled with romance, espionage, and mystery.

Although the three girls were wonderful characters in this book, the story falls short. It didn’t have the excitement I thought it was going to have. The detail at their dinners and parties however was well written and very descriptive. Everything in the novel did seem authentic and although it did make a good read the plot and some unanswered questions sort of marred the book and my enjoyment of it. The parties and dinners were well written and also, it was nice to see a book not heavy on the description on dresses and where they came from (does that really matter?).

The characters in the novel were all right. Gavin and Alex did make a good couple and you can’t help but feel excited for Alex when she experiences these new found feelings of romance for a childhood friend. They could be compared to Elizabeth and Darcy in Pride and Prejudice – only younger. I couldn’t also help but smile at Freddie and Alex. He was a huge flirt but you couldn’t help but feel charmed by his presence and manner (as Alex did). However I wanted to know why Gavin disliked him so much (jealous perhaps?) and if there was a story behind it. I wish that was addressed. If there is going to be another book after this, it would be nice however I’m not sure if I will pursue it further.

It’s not that I didn’t enjoy reading the book, but I expected a lot more intrigue and more action. It did pick up somewhat towards the end, but it was done and over with in an instant. There was also the “mystery” (if you could call it that) behind Freddie and why Gavin disliked him so much. Also Gavin stating he knew that Freddie is a cad. Hm. Well, I’d like to know why and what he did to make Gavin feel that way. They were friends before so what happened. It’s this sort of thing that frustrated me as it was never revealed.

Overall, it was a good historical novel. Authentic and true to the word. Yet the plot falls short and could have had a lot more added to it. However those who loved The Luxe series would enjoy this novel as it takes place around the same time period. It’s not the greatest book I’ve read, but no regrets either.

I give it a 6 out of 10.