Monday Combo 9/28

Here is Monday’s Memes for this week!


Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about your wishlist…

Do you keep a book wishlist, either on paper, Amazon/etc, or via a book database site (Shelfari, GoodReads, LibraryThing)? If yes, do you share this list with others (especially coming up to Christmas)?

– Yes! there’s about three different types of wishlists. One: on Shelfari are the ones that I can take out from the library. Those I don’t have to buy or if I can’t wait that long then I’ll buy. Two: There’s one on Library Thing. That one tells me those books on that list are available on interlibrary loan. I sometimes buy books from there, I sometimes don’t. Three: there’s a very small one on Goodreads. Those are books I definitely want to buy. I don’t share my list with others, because whenever I give a wish list out it’s never used.  I gave up. The only one who actually buys me stuff from the wishlist is the hombre 🙂 I choose about three from the wishlist and give it to him, he orders, I’m happy. Now if he could do that monthly I’d be even happier. 🙂


In My Mailbox this week:

Racing Toward Armageddon by Michael Baigent (contest win)

Cleopatra’s Daughter: A Novel by Michelle Moran (requested)

The Curse of the Tahiera by Wendy Gillissen (requested)

WHAT THE BAYOU SAW by Patti Lacy (contest win)


Library Finds this week:

Mister Monday – Garth Nix

The Thief Lord – Cornelia Funke

The Virgin’s Queen’s Daughter – Ella March Chase

The Seance – John Harwood

The Devil’s Teardrop – Jeffery Deaver


So! what are your answers? what loot did you get?

12 thoughts on “Monday Combo 9/28

  1. Cleopatra’s Daughter is a goodie, and so is Curse of the Tahiera. I don’t recognize any of the others.

    As to your other question, I do keep an Amazon wishlist, but I haven’t given it out to anyone yet.

  2. I have wishlists on both Amazon and Goodreads, but I don’t usually share them. I’ve gotten duplicate books in the past, and since the bookstores make exchaging them so difficult now, I’d rather get giftcards. Sometimes I’ll give one title to my parents and a different title to my hubby in case they don’t want to do the gift card, but I mainly use wishlists for my personal use.

    Congratulations on your contest wins!

  3. I have a list on Amazon, and Mrs. Cheese (when looking for potential presents), always complains that it’s either too long or that it reveals a side of me no one should be allowed to see.

    Honestly, does “Cinema Sewer Volume 1” and “Volume 2” reveal anything about me other than that I’m a B-movie connoisseur? Afterall, somebody has to read the books about the movies that hardly anybody watches. Right?

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